Saturday, December 31, 2022

ANOTHER YEAR COMES TO A CLOSE~Has 2022 been a good year for research?

It’s that time of year again. 

Time to review what I've accomplished in my research.

This has been a much better year in regards to research, than 2021.  I’ve been able to spend more time at my computer.  I have published just a couple of blog posts less than last year, but still tried to keep posting.  Blogging is something I very much enjoy.  Sharing family stories and hearing from readers makes me smile.

So, what has changed in my tree on Legacy this year?  Let’s have a look.

These are the stats from 2021

2021 Stats

How do they compare to this year?

Here are the stats from 2022

2022 Stats

Here is a comparison between years

There was progress made in all areas. Whether small or big progress it's important to move forward in our research.

I’m happy to that I’ve added more ancestors (240) and that I am also citing my sources.

More importantly, I've made some great discoveries, connected with new cousins and increased my knowledge in many areas.  

My research goal has never been to see how many ancestors I can collect.  Just to do thorough, documented research and let the numbers take care of themselves. 

Have you had a good research year in 2022? 

Did you have specific goals?  Did you achieve them?

My goals for next year will remain the same as most any year.  To continue to do good research.  To connect with more cousins.  To keep sharing family stories on my blog. To attend our first in person Rootstech since 2020 (my tickets are already booked).  To teach a few classes here and there.  And LAST but not LEAST, oh please, can I solve at least one of my two BIG brick walls.

Happy New Year,

Michigan Girl

Copyright ©  2010-2022   Diane Gould Hall


Friday, December 30, 2022

FINALLY~I have figured out the calendar dates in this photo! A great way to end the year


This is the original photo as it looked after I scanned it years ago.  This would have been at my great grandmother, Mae Gould's home in Detroit, Michigan

What are the dates on these two calendars?

For many years I have had this photo of my Dad, Harry Norman Gould and his grandma, Mae Eve Thorp Gould, holding calendars.

I have tried to see the month and year on these calendars, but been unable to clear them up enough to do so.  I used my Photo Shop Elements as well as My Heritage photo enhancement, but the month and year were still not clear.

Then today, it suddenly dawned on me.  Why don’t I use the calendar feature in my Legacy program and try to match the calendar configurations with those in the photo? 

My suspicion has always been that these calendars had something to do with 1924, which was the year my great grandfather, William V. Gould (1859-1924) died.  He was the husband of the woman in the photo.  My Dad would have been 11-12 yrs old at the time, depending on the dates.  Based on other photos I have of him, this picture would be about that same time.

Lo and behold, I went to the Legacy calendar feature and started going through 1924, month by month and seeing which one matched either of the calendars.  I use the Legacy calendar feature very often, probably at least once a week. It is quite useful in my research.

FINALLY, I located it – DECEMBER 1924.  Then I looked at JANUARY 1925 and it matches the other calendar perfectly.

December 1924 on the left and January 1925 on the right - they match up perfectly with the images in the photo

So, there it is.  My great grandmother, Mae is holding the December 1924 calendar and my Dad is holding the January 1925 calendar.  Now that I've figured it out, you can zoom in and see the word at the top of my Dad's calendar looks like January. Perhaps they were saying goodbye to 1924, a sad year for the family, and welcoming the new year?  Another thought.  My Dad's 12th birthday would have been December 31, 1924.  Were they commemorating that? 

Happy dance here.

TIP – Never give up on solving photo mysteries.  I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gone back to a photo I’ve looked at over and over again, and finally figured out who was in it.  Or, in this case, what the dates were in the image. 

Do you have mystery photos?  I’d love to see them.

And, Happy Birthday to my Dad who was born 110 years ago tomorrow.

Happy hunting,

Michigan Girl

Copyright ©  2010-2022   Diane Gould Hall


Saturday, December 24, 2022



On this holiday season I would like to wish all my readers a very joyous and blessed season.  However and wherever you celebrate, may you be surrounded by family, friends and good times.

Here are a few memories from Christmas’ past with both mine and Ron’s family.

And, to our military, first responders, hospital personnel and anyone else who works on Christmas – we thank you.


Michigan Girl

Copyright ©  2010-2022   Diane Gould Hall