Tuesday, November 8, 2016

TOMBSTONE TUESDAY ~ Deacon Simeon Clark & Betsey Hall–New Hampshire

CLARK_Simeon_died 9 Dec 1793_headstone_AshSwampCem_KeeneNH
Both this photo and the one for Betsey were taken by me
CLARK_Betsey aka Betty nee HALL_headstone_wife of Deacon Simeon CLARK_1731-1817_WestCem_KeeneNH

Deacon Simeon Clark & his wife Betsey “Betty” Hall are my husband’s paternal 4th great granduncle & aunt.

Transcription of headstone of Deacon Simeon Clark
Dea. Simeon Clark died 9 Dec 1793 aged 70

Transcription of headstone of Betsey Clark
In memory of Mrs. Betsey Clark relict of Dea. Simeon Clark who died Aug. 5, 1817 AEt. 80

You may visit their findagrave memorials here #19037680 and #19057076
This is an interesting branch of the family and Deacon Simeon Clark is often referenced in two books I own, about Keene.

A short biographical sketch about Deacon Simeon Clark is located on page 584 in the book Very Poor and of a Lo Make by Abner Sagner.

Also on this page is mention of Jesse Clark (brother of Deacon Simeon Clark) who is also a 4th great granduncle to my husband.

Very Poor & of a Lo Make by Abner Sanger_Page 584_annotated
“Clark, Deacon Simeon (1723-1793), and his wife Betty Hall (1730-1817) came from Wrentham, Mass. (whre the first two of their eight children were born) to Keene in about 1760.  In addition to the important position of church deacon he was three times elected selectman.”

When my husband, Ron, and I visited Keene, New Hampshire several years ago, we spent time at the Historical Society, the newspaper, the local bookstore, and, of course, several cemeteries.

It was during this visit that I purchased two books.
Very Poor and of a Lo Make by Abner Sanger (a daily journal of early life in Keene) – published in 1987, ISBN 0-914339-17-6.

Very Poor & of a Lo Make by Abner Sanger_Cover

The other book I purchased was History of the Town of Keene from 1732 when the township was granted by Massachusetts, to 1874, when it became a city, by S.G. Griffin, M.A. Published in 1904, ISBN 0-917890-21-3

Deacon Simeon Clark is listed in this book on pages: 148,150,151,161, 216, 218, 219, 232, 235, 237, 276, 284, 296, 588, 671 and 672.

You don’t have to buy this book to read it.  It is available for download or reading at this site https://archive.org/details/historyoftownofk00grif

History of the Town of Keene New Hampshire_Title Page

Both of these books have been invaluable in learning about the history of the Hall family and all their connections, in New Hampshire.
The Clark also spelled Clarke, family is linked several times to the Hall family.  With a small community there are a limited number of families.  You will usually find families intermarrying. Brothers and sisters marrying into the same families.

I’ve done a lot of research on Ron’s family going back to 9th and 10th great grandparents.  There’s a lot more work to do and I enjoy every minute of it.
Remember, if you think you might be related to anyone mentioned in this blog post, please contact me.

TOMBSTONE TUESDAY - Unity Clark Durant 1762-1781 - daughter of Deacon Simeon Clark
TOMBSTONE TUESDAY - Dorcas Morse Clark- 1645-1725

Happy hunting,
Michigan Girl
Copyright ©  2010-2016   Diane Gould Hall


  1. Hi Diane,
    I loved this post mostly because it is so close to my heart. You see, I have Abner Sanger in my tree, I've seen his grave and used the same book at you. If you are interested, here is my post from 6 years ago about it. http://lifefromtheroots.blogspot.com/2010/08/very-poor-and-of-lo-make-abner-sanger.html

    1. Barbara - WOW! How interesting. I just went over to your blog and read that entry. I'm adding your blog to my "follow" list. Now I'm wondering if your family might be related to my husband's family who were all over the New England area. Back I go to check the other references on your blog.
      Thanks so much for contacting me.


I look forward to reading your comments. If you have any connection to the people mentioned in this blog, please let me know. I write about mine and my husband's ancestors and would welcome new information or meeting a new cousin or two. Thanks for visiting and come back soon.