Saturday, July 27, 2019

SEPIA SATURDAY ~ This week’s theme is SWIMWEAR

“Launched by Alan Burnett and Kat Mortensen in 2009, Sepia Saturday provides bloggers with an opportunity to share their history through the medium of photographs.  Historical photographs of any age or kind (they don’t have to be sepia) become the launchpad for explorations of family history, local history and social history, in fact or fiction, poetry or prose, words or further images.”

I’ve pretty much grown up around the water.  From my earliest years I remember the cottage that my paternal grandparents, Harry & Marie Gould, had at Lake Huron.  Click on this link to read about the cottage My Grandparents Enjoying their Lake Huron cottage in Michigan.

From Michigan we moved to Pompano Beach, Florida and were always a short drive from the beach.  Then in 1965 we moved to San Diego, California – more beaches.

I can locate photos of lake and beach time and swimwear from my paternal side of the family.  However, other than a couple of pictures of my Uncle Bob, none from my maternal side.
So, where are all of the pictures of me and my brother in our swimwear?  Good question.  Maybe I better dig through those boxes under the stairs.
Today, I’ll share these photos with you.
Here’s my Dad, Harry Norman Gould on the beach at an unknown location, with his father Harry Whipple Gould – circa 1930.

Here are my Dad, his first wife Elaine and both of my paternal grandparents, Harry & Marie Gould, with others at Lake Huron circa 1933-1935.

Next is a photo of my Dad with his mother Marie, on the beach in Florida.  My Dad worked as a lifeguard in the early 1960’s.

And, here’s the only swimwear photo I can find from my Mom’s side of the family.

My Uncle, Robert Andrew Milne, who served in World War II as a Medic.  Here is in on the beach (he's on the left) in an unknown location, during his service.  I don’t know who his friend is.

And, finally, there had to be at least one of me.  So here are Ron and I on a vacation cruise in 1993.  We were at Dunn’s River Falls in Jamaica.  Ron’s always a good sport and the photographer asked him to wear the hat.

What photos do you have of your ancestors enjoying the beach or a lake?  What kind of swimwear did they have on?


Happy hunting,
Michigan Girl
Copyright ©  2010-2019   Diane Gould Hall


  1. This would be a hard one for me. I don't remember ever seeing a photograph of anyone in my family wearing a swimsuit. I love Norman's suit ~ reminds me a bit of Tarzan in the old movies.

    1. There has to be more hiding in this house somewhere. I’ve grown up around the water. Course, I wasn’t always that keen to be photographed in my bathing suit. Painfully skinny in my earlier years. LOL! My paternal side certainly enjoyed the water. My Mom's side, not so much. My Mom never learned how to swim.

    2. Same here. I don't have any photos prior to my parents of relatives in swim suits.

  2. I'm more familiar with saltwater beaches than fresh. There's something about the movement of the surf and the salt in the air that I love. Now that I live in the mountains I miss seeing the ocean horizon.

    1. Having lived in Florida and California for the majority of my life, I’m also more familiar with the ocean than with lakes. We love the mountains and prefer to live in or near them. But, like you, we enjoy visiting the ocean and most of our vacations are around that theme.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  3. In the second photo your Dad seems to have been part of the men's swimsuit protest written about by another Sepian this week :-) A wonderful selection of photos, both of your family and of swimsuits down the years.

    1. Thanks. It was fun to look at those photos again.

  4. Lovely family memories. My mother’s family lived near the seaside resort of Blackpool, but I had no swimsuit photographs of her parents or uncles and aunt.

    1. I was surprised to realize there were no pics of my Mom's side except for my one Uncle. But, in retrospect it makes sense. It was my paternal grandparents who always loved the water. It was my paternal grandma with whom I went swimming.
      Thanks for stopping by.


I look forward to reading your comments. If you have any connection to the people mentioned in this blog, please let me know. I write about mine and my husband's ancestors and would welcome new information or meeting a new cousin or two. Thanks for visiting and come back soon.