Saturday, January 16, 2016


SDSU header

My husband’s father’s family came to San Diego, California between 1910 and 1917. His father, Gordon, was the third child born to Charles & Daisy Bright Hall.  The two older children were born in Pennsylvania.
My husband has always said that his father was a cheerleader for the San Diego State Aztecs.  Those were the days when cheerleaders were men and not the girls we see today.

I’ve always wanted to find an SDSU yearbook to try and locate a picture of Gordon during his time in college.

I looked in the yearbook collection on and didn’t find anything.  However, today I was re reading Gordon’s funeral notice and I read that he was a member of Phi Lambda XI while he attended the university.  AH HA!!

That is information I don’t remember seeing before.  It’s always amazing to me what stands out when I go back over records. 
I decided to conduct a web search for Phi Lambda XI.  I used Google and saw that the second link on the page looked promising.

SDSU Phi lambda

Once I clicked on that I was taken to the San Diego State Library Digital Collections page.  OH BOY!  What can I find here?

SDSU Phi lambda-2

I clicked on “Collections” and found that this digital library is jam packed with information.  However, the one item I was looking for were the yearbooks.  I scrolled down the page and THERE THEY WERE!

What does that say underneath the image?
"San Diego State yearbooks from 1902 to the last published in 1984."

SDSU Phi lambda-3

And there they were.  All layed out on the page with the cover of each edition and the year. 

SDSU Phi lambda-4

You are able to select the edition you’re interested in and view it or download it.  You can look at each individual page or use the dropdown menu in the upper left corner to advance any number of pages.

SDSU Phi lambda-5

I was not able to locate Gordon Hall’s picture in the class photos for 1932, 1933, 1934 or 1935.  In order to find out if he appeared elsewhere in any of the books I will have to go through page by page as there isn’t a table of contents or an index in the editions I looked at.

According to his son, Gordon did not graduate.  I wonder what took him away from his studies?

If you have ancestors from San Diego, who attended San Diego State, this is a wonderful resource.

Happy hunting,
Michigan Girl

Copyright ©  2010-2016   Diane Gould Hall

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