I have learned to be patient when I submit record requests. However, after about a week to ten days, I start looking through our mail with greater anticipation. Let’s just call it “hope.” Having no idea when the records will appear or even if they will, makes the anticipation all the more fun.
Imagine my excitement when I got the mail on June 20th and saw that envelope I had addressed to myself. Could this be a response, so soon? I only mailed my requests on June 10th. You can nearly always tell by the feel of the envelope whether you have a record copy or a piece of paper/letterhead with the disappointing “sorry no record located.” Most copies of vital records are printed on a different, heavier type of stock than letter paper.
In this case when I felt the envelope I was hopeful because it was pretty thick.
When I opened it, I did in fact receive ALL FOUR records I had requested. Two birth records and two death records.
Let’s look a the birth records first. These are for my husband’s grandparents, Henry August Fink and Freada Emma Meta Doller.
NOTE: If at all possible it is always a good idea to get every vital record available for a person’s life. Every piece of evidence we gather and cite makes our identification of this person and their link to the family more concrete.
HENRY AUGUST FINK or as his birth record states BABY FINK
State of New York, County of Erie, City of Buffalo ______Ward
1. Name of child – Baby Fink
2. Sex – Male
3. Color or Race if other than white – left blank
4. Date of birth – January 14th 1893
5. Place of birth – Buffalo Gen’l Hospital
6. Name of father – Geo. Fink
7. Maiden and full name of mother – Barbara Ludwick
8. Birthplace or country of father – U.S. Age 32 Occupation – Coachman
9. Birthplace or country of mother – Ger (Germany?) Age 31
10. Number of this mother’s previous children – 2 How many of them now living – 1
11. Name & address of medical attendant or authorized person in own handwriting – John V. Woodruff (there is an address under the signature which is not completely readable)
12. Date of this return – January 15th 1893
This confirms some information I already had, such as his parent’s names and his date & the city of birth. That information came from his descendants and from other sources such as marriage, death and census records. What this does give me is further verification for what I already know, plus some new information such as:
the occupation of his father at the time of his birth how many previous children were born to his mother and how many are now living. his place of birth at the Buffalo General HospitalSince Henry Fink and his wife Freada had four children and all of those children were confirmed, I suspect that perhaps Henry was too.
Would the confirmation record give evidence of his name?How do I find out when he was named?Good questions.
Now let’s take a look at Henry Fink’s future wife’s birth record.
FREADA EMMA META DOLLER or as her birth record states META FRIDA DOLLER
State of New York, County of Erie, City of Buffalo ________Ward
1. Name of child – Meta Frida2. Sex - Girl3. Color or race of other than white – left blank4. Date of birth – August 24, 18955. Place of birth – No. 73 Harmonia St.6. Name of father – John Doller7. Maiden & full name of mother – Bartha Killer or Bartha Koller8. Birthplace or country of father – Germany Age 35 Occupation – Labor9. Birthplace or country of mother – “ Age 3010. Number of this mother’s previous children – 6 How many of them now living – 111. Name and address of medical attendant or authorized person in own handwriting – Mrs. N. S. Smith, 286 Bowen St.12. Date of this return – 8/26/95
These birth records are two years
apart. The forms appear to be the same. Although I cannot read some of the
information pre-printed on the second record for Meta Frida Doller, I am using
the first record as a template.
Like the first record, this one
verifies information that I already have such as date of birth and parent’s
names. Here though, the name of the child is slightly different from the name
she went by in all the other records I have for her.
Certainly Meta Frida is not a
common name. Her marriage record, obituary and cemetery headstone all give her
name as Freada M. Fink or Freada M. Doller. The first time I see evidence of
the name Freda E. is the 1925 New York state census. In reviewing the other
documents I have for her, I see no other reference to the name Freada Emma.
am married to her grandson and friends with another of her grandchildren. Both
of them have always told me she was called Freada Emma Meta Fink aka Doller.
This now makes me question the validity of that second name of Emma.
Where did that name originate?
Did she ever use it in any legal
capacity or on any records?
Good questions.
Another note about Freda’s birth
record. Her parents John Doller & Bertha
Keller are believed to have been married in Germany about 1884. They came to
the United States about 1885 or 1886 (I still need to get further evidence for their immigration). Freda’s older brother, Irven Doller was
born in Germany. Note that on the birth record it states that there were 6
children previously born to the mother, Bertha, and only 1 of them was still
living. Family lore tells that one child died on the ship on the way to the
United States.
Will I ever find proof of birth for the
other children?
All of the information on these birth
records has been sourced and cited into my Legacy database. As well as adding
an image of the document to the record for both Henry Fink and Meta Frida
More questions have been raised by
looking at these documents. But, we have also added further evidence to facts
we already knew.
I was going to write about the two
death records I received along with these birth returns, but I’m going to save
that for another day.
Please share the experiences you’ve had, both good or bad, when you've sent for records.
Happy hunting,
Copyright © 2014 Diane Gould
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