Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Heirloom Preservation ~ How do you preserve them? Here's one way .......


 What qualifies as an heirloom?

Like "beauty" the definition of an heirloom is arguably somewhat subjective.  Technically, a valuable object that has belonged to a family for one or more generations, is an heirloom.

I know that most of you probably have items that have been handed down to you from your parents, grandparents and great grandparents.  Whether it’s a desk, a set of spoons, a ceramic rooster, a photo album or whatever, these items usually have sentimental meaning to us.

Enter today’s culture and the current thinking that if things aren’t new, they aren’t worth anything. This is what I’ve learned from talking to nieces, nephews, grandchildren and others of a younger generation.

Granted, when we were younger we too were anxious for the latest and greatest.  We didn’t spend much time worrying about an item that might have been passed down from previous generations. 

But, as we got older and perhaps wiser, our thinking changed.  I have to admit though, that I’ve always been a fan of anything historic and was inclined to keep older items.

Do you have a plan for ensuring or at least trying to ensure that those historical family items aren’t thrown in the trash or given as donations?

My plan is to take photos of the items, enter the information about the item on an “Heirloom Card” and then create a digital scrapbook page.  Then I will print the pages and have them included with my will/trust.  I will also label the items as best I can so that someone might find out who they’d belonged to before me.

Here is the blank Heirloom Card created in a Word document. From here I change the colors of the background and add pertinent information, then crop the page as needed.

And here are 3 pages I’ve created so far.  These are all items that came from my paternal grandmother, Marie Lindsay Gould.

TIP - In order to add each item to that memory card, I wanted to remove any background and create a png image.  I use a website called remove.bg for that purpose. Just a simple removal of the background and download of the item is free.

I have several more items from my maternal grandmother and even one item from a great grandmother.

  •  What are your thoughts on this subject?
  •   Do you have a plan?  I’d love to hear about it.

   Happy Hunting,

   Michigan Girl

If you are related to or connected to anyone in this blog post, please get in touch.  Let’s exchange information.

Copyright ©  2010-2024   Diane Gould Hall



  1. I have some heirlooms from the 19th and 20th centuries - a set of silver spoons, a spoon holder, two pocket watches, a grandfather clock, a serving table, my mother's copper enamel artwork, a rocking chair, and probably things I don't recall right now. My girls have two windup desktop clocks and some heirlooms from my mother. I like the idea of an heirloom card with color photos.

    1. Randy. I also have a few silver spoons with my mother's maiden name initial on them. And a few other things as well. Hoping to work on pages to preserve them today.

  2. Good morning! What an excellent idea. I am so far behind in all of the writing i want to do, i probably won't get this done any time soon. But i hope at least leave some post it notes on items. Also, i am trying my best to pass these precious items on to next gen now! Not wait 20 years until i am gone and they are in the late 60's. People in their late 60's are looking to acquire.

    1. It's difficult as we get older to know what will happen to these items. We can share their value with the younger generation and hope for the best. Thank you for your comment.

  3. These examples are very inspiring. Heirlooms are more than objects, they're filled with family history memories and stories that should be passed down as well.

    1. That's how I feel as well Marian. Hopefully, those coming after us will value these items. Thanks for stopping by.


I look forward to reading your comments. If you have any connection to the people mentioned in this blog, please let me know. I write about mine and my husband's ancestors and would welcome new information or meeting a new cousin or two. Thanks for visiting and come back soon.