Thursday, July 7, 2016

TREASURE CHEST THURSDAY ~ The actual church record for the marriage of Jeremiah Hall & Elizabeth Bailey 22 Dec 1748

HALL_Jeremiah marriage to Elizabeth BAILY junr_22 Dec 1747-48_HanoverMass_image_annotated

First let me start by saying that I better pay attention to what day it is.  I posted a Treasure Chest Thursday, yesterday, which was actually Wednesday.  I’ve now changed the title of that post and you can find it here WEDDING WEDNESDAY – A marriage record, of sorts, for Dr. Jeremiah Hall & Eliabeth Bailey.

To follow up that post today, I’m happy to share the actual, handwritten church record for that marriage.

I didn’t locate it myself, but, again, because of belonging to a Facebook group, I now have the record.  Another Hall family member, from the same group I spoke of yesterday, Hall Families of New England, has shared the image.  Thanks to Cheryl Hall for finding this record in the archival church records of the Congregational Church.
Here’s a link to the home page

And here’s the link to the actual entry for the marriage of Jeremiah Hall to Elizabeth Bailey

Hall Jeremiah to Bailey

Here are the first two pages from this digital record.

Hanover church records Hanover church records-2
When I source this record, the one thing I won’t know is who made the entries into this record book.  They are all numbered and the volume is separated into meeting notes, admission to full communion, baptisms, births, marriages & deaths.  Most of the writing is the same throughout the record, with occasional differences.  This makes me believe that this is a transcription of various records, placed in the book, in order.

QUESTION? Is this a primary source?  I don’t think so because it appears to be a transcription of other records.  Meaning the person who wrote these records may not have been present at the time of the event.  But, we’re getting closer, and it’s certainly better than just having the entry from the book I mentioned in yesterday’s post.

Maybe this is all I’ll ever find to document this record from 268 years ago.  But, combining this record with other pieces of evidence certainly proves that a marriage took place in Hanover, between Jeremiah Hall & Elizabeth Baily/Bailey.

Stay tuned for more on this family.

Happy hunting,
Michigan Girl

Copyright ©  2010-2016   Diane Gould Hall


  1. Very exciting. It is so hard to keep up on all of the places to look online anymore, so thank goodness for people willing to share what they know.

    1. Isn't that the truth Michelle? The more I research, the more contacts I make and those are difficult to keep track of too. Thank goodness for Evernote. And, keeping track of all the databases and records....nearly impossible.


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